3rd Annual Conference of the Stillbirth Society of India, SBSICON 2025 Dates: August 22-24, 2025 Venue: SGPGI, Lucknow Conference Theme: Pathways to Prevention - Learning from Loss

Ms Claire Storey

Ms Claire Storey Co-Chair Board member International Stillbirth Alliance.

Claire Storey has spent over a decade working in maternity and new born care as a parent advocate, commissioner and researcher. Claire has dedicated her time to highlighting the importance of the parental narrative during pregnancy and birth as well as after the death of a baby or child and to improving the quality of care on offer whilst ensuring parents themselves are adequately supported at every stage.

Claire has been a co-applicant on a number of perinatal death prevention and bereavement research projects and service development initiatives. She has delivered bereavement training to healthcare professionals, run focus groups and led bereavement support and subsequent pregnancy antenatal support groups for recently bereaved parents.

Claire is a board member of the International Stillbirth Alliance (ISA), co-chair of the ISA Conferences Working Group and lay board member of the Tommy’s Stillbirth Research Centre, at the University of Manchester in the UK.

She is currently studying towards an MSc in Global Public Health at Queen Mary University in London and has recently been appointed as Senior Advisor to the WHO funded Parent Voices Initiative which seeks to raise the voice and participation of parents bereaved by stillbirth and to strengthen advocacy for stillbirth prevention and post-stillbirth bereavement support.