3rd Annual Conference of the Stillbirth Society of India, SBSICON 2025 Dates: August 22-24, 2025 Venue: SGPGI, Lucknow Conference Theme: Pathways to Prevention - Learning from Loss

Dr Vijay Kumar

Dr Vijay Kumar Executive Director and TrusteeSWACH foundation MD, FAAP MAMS.

Dr Vijay Kumar is a Paediatrician and Public Health Specialist, he was Head of the department of Communicable medicine in PGIMER Chandigarh. He has served WHO for 15 years and the World Bank for 2 years. His core expertise is development of Social Paediatrics and implementable sciences of health to influence polices and action. His goal is to help achieve stabilization and optimization of implementation strategies on continuum of care to strengthen capacity of families’ communities and providers.

    Awards and Recognition

  • Vijay Kumar, Executive Director is a member of Mission Steering group National Health Mission, Ministry of Health and family Welfare Government of India.
  • Research done by SWACH with support from WHO and in collaboration with Haryana state lead to client retained home based record for the mother and the baby between the years 1989-2000. This experience as well as experiences in many countries then lead to evolution of mother child protection card (MCPC) in India to serve as a health monitoring tool, an educational and empowering tool for the family for continuum of care (pregnancy up to 3 years of age of the child). President FOGSI 2018.
  • SWACH has the distinction of initiating the national ARI (pneumonia) control program in children. SWACH was requested by the Government of India to implement and monitor the national program in 23 districts in 6 states of the country. After evaluation, this was adopted and included as a part of Child survival and Safe Motherhood (CSSM) strategy RCH I and RCH II strategies and later as a part of IMCI strategy which is now an integral part of RMNCH plus program.
  • Developed tools for assessment of quality and coverage in adolescent health for WHO which was adapted by many countries in the world.
  • With support from CDC Atlanta and WHO in collaboration with the state NHM, SWACH started population based surveillance of birth defects since July 2015. Surveillance of birth defects along with research done in collaboration with W.H.O., CDC, PGIMER, Chandigarh and NHM (Haryana) has led to an important policy decision for wheat flour fortification by the government of Haryana .
  • Promotion of M-health to strengthen family centred care is a new initiative to strengthen the current programs for provision of care during pregnancy child birth and the first two years of life.
  • Basic work to help government of India to refine its policy on the use of antenatal corticosteroids during pregnancy.